Ritzy Muzik™

Ritzy Muzik™ is the record label of ASCAP writer and recording artist Barritz™.

Ritzy Muzik™ is associated with ASCAP publishers Ritzy Tunes™ and Ritzy Rhymez™.

You can view the Barritz™ writer catalog on the ASCAP Repertory.

You can view the Ritzy Tunes™ publishing catalog on the ASCAP Repertory.

You can view the Ritzy Rhymez™ publishing catalog on the ASCAP Repertory.

Ritzy Muzik™ is always looking for recording artists, producers and live musicians as well as photographers, videographers, multimedia designers and promoters.

For artist booking, creative collaboration, endorsement opportunities or to showcase your talents or skills please contact Ritzy Muzik™ below while making sure to include all relevant information with your inquiry:

– Artist Booking – Date, Time, Venue, Compensation
– Creative Collaboration/Endorsements – Date, Time, Project
– Recording Artists – Demo songs or links to released music
– Producers – Production catalog or links to released music
– Live Musicians – Instrument(s) played
– Photographers – Portfolio
– Videographers – Reel
– Multimedia Designers – Portfolio
– Promoters – Social media reach and applicable experience
– Additional information you deem necessary for any of the above categories

*For Licensing & Placement inquiries please contact Ritzy Tunes™ or Ritzy Rhymez™.

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